Monday 9 January 2017

Yu is three months old!

Yu turns three months today! Where has all the time gone??

And on this day, I bathed Yu in the Stokke Flexibath using a bath support coz I was losing grip of him when washing his hair at the basin as he tended to kick about a lot. In any case, his Puj tub is getting small too; I had to turn it around to accommodate Yu some time ago when I only turned it around for Kai and Yang way later! This first attempt was a bit messy with the support in the wrong position and not quite enough water. I wasn't sure if he would fuss and he didn't know what was coming! Thankfully, we got through with no fussing. I'll try again and hope to eventually shower myself while he's in the bath.

Also, we reclaimed our bedroom Yu graduated to sleeping with his two brothers in the kids' room.



Yes, his mattress is tiny coz we had to fit that in our room for a while; our room is really tiny compared to the kids' room. It took a long nursing session and two tries to put him down asleep but I did it, phew!

The next challenge was getting his brothers to sleep without waking him. I went in with Yang and N to make sure Yu stayed asleep before leaving them alone. Then Kai wanted to go to bed early tonight before Yang fell asleep. So I went in with him and sat there until Yang fell asleep coz Yang is more likely to be noisy. Then Sito went in to sit with Kai for a while before leaving him to fall asleep on his own. Yu is still asleep so let me continue writing this :)

Yu has grown so much in the past three months! Unfortunately he is not 100% - he still wheezes through phlegm sometimes, and his runny nose is on and off. His thrush did not get better with Nystatin so I stopped that and gave him probiotics instead which seemed to be helping but these few days, he had difficulty pooping - strange...

So here's a rundown of what happened lately:

Yu seems to like reading!

Yu loves to sit

"Argh, someone shot me..."

"Where's C3PO?!"

So handsome!!!!

He took some time to aim at the snail and hit it!

Managed to drop him down asleep - for less than five minutes

Head up high and face your meh meh friend!

He can hold his head up very well now. Think he has the strongest neck of them all at this age. Well, he's the biggest at birth so I guess he's physically more able. He can also put one foot ahead of the other when we stand him on his feet. His brothers both started to walk past one year. We wonder for this one... I once saw a nine-month-old boy walking unassisted - very amazing but I want Yu to be more baby for just a few months more please!

Standing baby!

Looking at my hand in the air

Came in to find him slightly rotated

He's been rotating 90 degrees clockwise lately and twisting to his right - signs of flippability! His brothers flipped at five months or so despite showing signs early - can't quite remember and lazy to check haha! So I guess he might take some time too...

But then, he did crunches which his brothers never did....

Also unlike his brothers, he's now refusing bottles and pacifiers :(

So I let Kai try his rejected milk upon request - he said yucks!

Yu had only one bottle successfully - the first one with frozen milk. I tried chilled milk, fresh milk - failed. On Friday, I bought a Pigeon teat that fits the Avent bottle - he seems to reject that less so I'll try again. We also wonder if the thrush is making him reject bottles. Shall see...

His fave toy at the baby gym

Put JGJ on him and he hugged it!

My boys in my bed - they're now all in their own beds, sighs...

I hope that they can all play and sleep together happily, and grow up to be great friends with one another!

Update 10 Jan 2016

We survived the night. Kai slept through. Yang woke n times. Yu woke normally to nurse and once rotated until the whole of him was on the blanket on the floor. I slept like shit next to Yu.

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