Sunday 21 October 2007


It was supposed to be Kel's birthday dinner but somehow they interrogated me instead! Still, it had been a great evening.. Chatted with YX over dinner on Friday, and today with the group.

And Kel, although you are not charming (to me! Heh, else be afraid, very afraid.. :p), despite all your jibing, and despite not knowing the lyrics very well, it was great singing that familiar tune with you on the way back :) Happy birthday!!

年少时候 谁没有梦
无意之中 你将心愿透露
就在你的生日的时候 我将小小口琴送
最难忘记 你的笑容
友情的细水慢慢流 流到了你我的心中
曾在球场边为你欢呼 你跌伤我背伏
夜里流星飞渡 想像着他日的路途

年少时候 谁没有愁
满腔愤慨 唯有你能听得懂
就在你失意的时候 我将那首歌吹奏
琴声悠悠 解我轻忧
岁月的细水慢慢流 流到了别离的时候
轻拍你的肩 听我说朋友不要太惆怅
霓虹纵然再嚣张 我们的步履有方向
成败不论 切莫将昔日遗忘

多年以后 又再重逢
问一声我的朋友 何时再为我吹奏
是否依旧 是否依旧

人生的际遇千百种 但有知心长相重
人愿长久 水愿长流

1 comment:

  1. i like this song being sang by the 3 ladies....old song...lei....but brings back fond memories
